How can Indian cities achieve net-zero emissions?
India’s rapid urbanisation, limited governance capacities and lack of climate-friendly policies hinder its path to carbon neutrality. Here’s how this can change
India’s rapid urbanisation, limited governance capacities and lack of climate-friendly policies hinder its path to carbon neutrality. Here’s how this can change
As a way to test solutions and build infrastructure for cycling, PULL and IPSCDL participated in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs’ initiative called the Cycles4Change. This policy report provides the first steps towards introducing a cycling policy in Panaji.
Inclusivity in Action is a synopsis of PULL’s work on Inclusive Streets. It highlights the main challenges and recommendations proposed in the Preliminary Report and Implementation Strategy and showcases how these recommendations play out on 18th June Road in Panaji.
To improve women’s access to the city of Panaji, PULL developed Inclusive Streets, a gendered public space improvement framework. PULL’s Inclusive Streets Implementation Strategy enhances the pedestrian experience for women in the city.
Inclusive Streets is a comprehensive and gendered public space improvement framework for the City of Panaji. This report identifies the main factors that impact the female pedestrian experience in the city and provides general recommendations to make Panaji more inclusive.
This report outlines recommendations and pathways for pedestrianization of 18th June Road in Panaji
Policymakers have to take stock of the material politics of the implementation of the low carbon strategies emerging in the Indian context.
We have been conducting surveys in Panaji to understand barriers to low-cost mobility interventions and to understand citizen’s perceptions around such proposals.