Our Events

Join the conversation - Transitions Research brings together experts from practise, research and policy to critically reflect on radical transitions and reimagine alternative, sustainable futures in India. In the past, we have hosted and participated in local, national and international events. Check out our upcoming events in our calendar and browse our past events in the library below:



NbS Policy Lab
Policy-Lab on 'Integrating Equity and Reframing Urban NbS in South Asian Cities' held in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Transitions Research hosted a Policy Lab to co-create regional and country specific pathways for incorporating NbS in urban planning and governance to address urgent climate, development and biodiversity issues faced by growing mid-sized cities in South Asia in August 2023 in Colombo, Sri Lanka
India National Workshop: Integrating Equity and Reframing Urban Nature-based Solutions
With support from the Stockholm Environment Institute’s Strategic Collaborative Fund Phase 2, Transitions Research is organising a National Workshop on Integrating Equity and Reframing Nature-based Solutions on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023. Since the mid-2010s, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have received growing attention in the discourse surrounding net-zero ambitions, restoring ecosystems for sequestration, and biodiversity conservation. This framing of NbS has emerged from global policy, and...
Talking About Transitions: Dialogue #2 - Gendered Perspectives on Urban Resilience
Our second dialogue in our series Talking about Transitions was hosted on World Cities Day to discuss how gender transformative approaches can help build more resilient cities in India.
Past events 1
Talking About Transitions: Dialogue #1 - Urban Living Labs: Innovation for Resilience
Our first dialogue in our series Talking about Transitions was hosted in collaboration with the Global Resilience Partnership. We learnt about the experiences of urban living labs and interrogated their applicability in developing city contexts.
Past events 2
Asia Regional Workshop: Co-production in Adaptation Research and Planning
Transitions Research organised a workshop for the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) to highlight the co production research practises of the awardees of a series of ARA microgrants.
Past events 3
Nature-based Solutions for Flood Management
The Project Urban Living Lab (PULL) has worked strengthening the capacity of government officials to implement Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in Panaji, Goa. At this event, Dr. Mathur spoke about NbS for flood mitigation.
Past Events 4
Social Imaginaries of Resilient Cities: Gobeshona 2022
Transitions Research, along with Forum for the Future, organised this working session at the Gobeshona Global Conference 2022 to explore how social imaginaries of resilience are shaping visions of resilient futures and adaptation actions.
Past Events 5
Cultures in Conversation | The Silencing of Water at Dubai Expo 2022
Dr Vikrom Mathur presented Journey of a River at the recent Dubai Expo 2022 as part of the session Cultures in Conversation: The Silencing of Water.
Past Events 6
Data Driven Governance for Urban Resilience in Smart Cities at the World Sustainability Development Summit (WSDS) 2022
Dr Vikrom Mathur spoke at WSDS 2022 on a panel about using data and technology for resilience building in Indian cities.
Past events 7
Project Urban Living Lab (PULL) Learning Event
The Project Urban Living Lab held a learning event to share its unique approach of experimentation and lab-based learning and highlight the solutions developed over the course of the project.
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